Learn About FreelyGiven Inc at CMA’s Medical Mission Event
March 10, 2024 5:17 pmBy Dr. Jacelyn Davidson
We are a family of seven, called to serve as full-time missionaries and build a team of volunteers in the small, southeast Asian country of Cambodia. In this land of palm trees, rice paddies, and water buffalo, 98% of the population is Buddhist. The spiritual, economic, and medical needs here are vast. We are truly honored to serve the Lord among the warm-hearted and joyful people of Cambodia, striving to follow the admonition of Our Lord, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
At FreelyGiven, Inc, we provide the four main ministries, which we will discuss in more detail during CMA’s Medical Mission Interest Group presentation. Those ministries include both medical and spiritual outreach.
Medical Ministry: Quality medical care remains a significant need in Cambodia, and a large portion of the population cannot afford even basic medical care. Several Catholic churches work to meet this need with free clinics, but this service is not available within several hours of our home, Siem Reap.
Currently, we are working with local priests to host regular clinics at rural parishes and among the youth in our home parish. In this setting, we provide free medical care and free medication. We greatly appreciate that working through the local church provides the opportunity to simultaneously minister to the spiritual needs of our patients.
Another avenue of medical care we are developing is routine check-ups for children at local schools. This fills an important health care gap, as well-child exams are rarely done in Cambodia. We have hosted medical and PA students individually for variable lengths of time. Now that we are settled and familiar with the opportunities in Cambodia, we are able to host short term medical and dental teams. Similar to our own medical work, a mission team would experience providing medical care in multiple rural locations. Patients in these areas typically lack not only the funds for medical care and medication, but many also do not even have means to travel to the nearest clinic. Often those who do go out of their way to seek medical care are left with incomplete investigations, unanswered questions, or inadequate treatment. For all of these reasons, we find that the patients we serve are sincerely grateful for our care.
Rose Ministry: There is sadly a large prostitution industry in Cambodia. To minister to women in this walk of life, once a month we individually hand out over 300 roses to these women. Each rose has an attached note, telling the women of God’s love for them and His desire to have a personal relationship with each one of them. Every month we pray that this small gift helps the women become aware of their intrinsic worth.
Pastoral Home and Orphanage Work: We participate in a ministry started by a local couple from our parish, who have opened their home to children from unsafe and unstable homes. Six children live with them full time and they also host around 70 children twice a week for dinner and devotions.
At a local orphanage, we teach a preschool English class. The children in both of these settings visibly benefit from this time of loving interaction and instruction. The hugs and laughter we share with them is not only a blessing to the children but a true privilege for us.
Volunteer program: An important part of our ministry is to provide mission opportunities for those who desire to give of themselves. Each experience can be customized to the individual gifts of the participants. We have now hosted four gap year students, who have time used the 9 to 12 months of their experience to find their own niche here in Cambodia.
In addition to participating in the ministries above, our gap year students have taught English in rural villages, provided plumbing and construction expertise, taught health education classes, assisted with homeschooling, and helped with music ministry in local parishes.
Come join us—the opportunities are endless!
To learn more, attend the MMIG meeting.
When: Wednesday March 13 at 8:30 PM ET.
Where: Please sign up below. A Zoom link will be sent prior to the event.
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